Diary Page
March 1909
Monday, March 1st, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Had 4 hours walk - saw nothing but waterbuck. Osborne arrived at 12 and left for Toro at 6 p.m. Had 14 Mimi porters and 12 of ours - took on a lot of our useless baggage. Both other pair of tusks came in during the afternoon.
Tuesday, March 2nd, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Had an awful storm during the night. Sent off my cook to Kaeinde to bring out more cloth. I had a very long day, got on spoor of single elephant and followed it nearly to the Lake - never stopped. Tried for hippo on our way back - not at home. Had eight hours out. Cook came back at 3 o'clock.
Wednesday, March 3rd, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Went out along river and then up to the foothills of Buenzori. Came across a small lot of elephant in some thick grass from which I gracefully retired. Had two long shots at waterbuck - wanted meat. Late last night 2 lovely tusks, 106 and 100 lbs. each, came in from my first day - the elephant I first shot at near the Semiliki being found dead. I found on return to camp Mons. Bonde from Kasinde camped near - we had food together - though we neither of us could talk much of the other's language we had a very pleasant meeting. Very hot - hoping to move directly.
Thursday, March 4th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Mr. Bonde down with fever - we got together a few porters and started in for Kasinde. I left him on road and got in quickly to send out more porters. Arrived about 2 o'clock. Found Lt. Gendarme most kind and talks English - I am staying in his house. Awfully hot day. Lake Albert E. is about 2 ½ miles off. Bonde arrived 6 p.m.
Kisindi Lake Edward.
Friday, March 5th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Had a quiet day - repacking loads - and hoping my porters would come back, which they did in the evening also the loads from Karime, so now I am fairly ready to start. Got all settled as to customs & agreed to return 122 lbs, in place of the fine pair I had brought in. Lt. Gendarne is a most charming man & was kind.
Saturday, March 6th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Got 30 porters & left at 8 a.m. Met the Father on the way out. Bonde down with fever again - 3 hours took us over the Namagasaghy river & once again we are in English territory. Camped out in open - terribly hot.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
3 Hours - 9 Miles.
Sunday, March 7th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Up early to write a letter to Kesinde - sent porter back. only had 2 hours trek between the salt lakes and camped at Sororo - horribly hot place again, just at the last corner of the Lake. Courier came on after me with letters and papers. Hardly think this was such a bad place for sleeping sickness.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Letters till Jan.27th. 2 Hours -6 Miles.
2 Lily. Mary. Carvey. Lady Glover. 2 Hausing
Monday, March 8th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Most lovely moonlight night & morning. Up early and on road by 5.30. Splendid clean white road - saw a few gazelle. Did 3 ½ hours and reached Lake Kickorangu for our camp. Killed a hippo in the small lake as I came along. This camp is the last one can shoot from under Congo permit as the neutral ground ends just beyond the big Lake. Busy cleaning up for the Governor's arrival.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
3 ½ Hours - 9 Miles.
2 Hippo.
Tuesday, March 9th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Went out hunting but found nothing so came in after 2 hours and treked- did 2 hours to Monarchin and 2 ½ on to Kassesi. Nice clean rest house. Splendid road.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
4 ½ Hours - 13 Miles.
Wednesday, March 10th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Started 30 porters away at daylight and then went a long round in search of buffalo. Saw nothing but waterbuck so returned and had lunch. Found a Father & the Bishop en route to Beni. Started off at 1 o'clock. Very hot - crossed some lovely streams from Buenzori, one so swift as to take 6 men to carry me over - and only about 2ft deep. Country full of cattle. 2 ½ hours brought me to Hima - dirty old place. Got a note from Osborne who is sleeping next camp.
2 ½ Hours - 7 ½ Miles.
Thursday, March 11th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Up quite early and out of camp before 5 o'clock. Did 3 ¼ hours to Ranwinu where I found Osborne - had food, & with about 18 fresh porters had a hot 2 ½ hours march on to Batanika where we just camped on the road close to the river in high grass.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
5 ¾ Hours - 18 Miles.
Letters: Mrs.Wrohan. Comr.Enck. Wills. George. Lady Susan Sutton.
Friday, March 12th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Up at one o’clock a.m. and had a long cool trek into Toro. Got there at 9 a.m. Staying at the old Boma house. Mr. Rokie called. Dined with Mr. J.H.Leakey,
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
5 ¾ Hours - 18 miles.
Saturday, March 13th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Busy packing - and squaring up ivory. Lunch with Haldane - King of Toro called. Started off 20 porters for Entebbe. Dined with Mr. Leakey again.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Letters to: H.H.Heatley. A.B.Duers. E.H.Hobley. P.clinton. Lady Orford. Lady Mowbray. Wills. Carvey. J. Van Marcke. Lt.Boyton. Lt.Gendarme.
Sunday, March 14th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Up at 3 but did not get away till about 4.30. Had a heavy storm & had to shelter for an hour. Met Henderson and a friend on way - Col. Brune.Two hours out of Toro is a nice new rest house. Did 7 hours to Makunia, another new rest camp, about 3 miles beyond Matiai. This was a real stiff days work & I felt quite tired out.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
22 miles - 7 Hours
to Makunia.
Monday, March 15th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Overslept myself. Got off at 5.15 did 4 ½ hours to another nice new camp at Kihoura.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
14 Miles - 4 ½ hours
to Kihoura.
Tuesday, March 16th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Left camp at 4.15 - did 4 ¼ hours and camped at Kahounbe - met here Asst. Postmaster General just come in from shooting 2 elephant.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
13 Miles - 4 ¼ Hours
to Kahounbe.
Wednesday, March 17th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Started at 4 o'clock. Passed Kahabana 2¼ hours out and then 3¼ hours to Kekegwe, where we found a nice new rest house for the Governor. Met the Kimbagwe & a large retinue on his return to Toro after escorting H.E.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
(15¾ 49 miles)
5 ¼ Hours - 17 miles.
Thursday, March 18th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Off again at 4 o'clock - overtook Mr. Gosling before he left his camp, so went on together. A large safari passed from Banara. 5 hours brought us to Kybilinga. rest house still clean but not new, as Governor has now turned off to Mobendi.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
5 Hours - 16 Miles.
Friday, March 19th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Away at 4. No moon - cloudy and dark - did 2 hours and then had to stack baggage & shelter 1½ hours for rain. Road dirty & grown up all along. Circled round Mobendi. 4¼ hours brought us to Katabalanga - no rest house. Nesto very ill.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
4 ¼ Hours - 13 Miles.
Saturday, March 20th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Rain delayed us till 5 a.m. 1¼ to Mobendi road, then 4 hours on to a dirty little rest house at Nabakani - here a mule arrived for me from Bertie Smith eggs - fowls - potatoes - onions. Nesto bad yet.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
5 ¼ Hours - 16 Miles.
Sunday, March 21st, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Away at 4 a.m. Passed Lionna or Kyandi in 2 hours, then 3 ½ hours brought us to Kagasengulla, a nice station adjoining a tin house built for the Governor. Mr. Bowker & Bailey camped here - exchanged books. Found Bowker knew me in South Africa.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
(35½ hours 111miles)
5½ hours - 18 Miles.
Monday, March 22nd, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Away at 3 a.m. as we had a long march in front. Passed Jungora in 3¼ hours and then came by old road to the new camp. 3¼ hours - fancy old road is longest. Sent a telephone message to Bertie Smith. Travelled along Lake all the day - Nesto much better. Camped at Basimbe or Mityano.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
6 ½ Hours - 20 Miles.
Tuesday, March 23rd, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Having only 3 hours march we started later at 4.15. Did one hour to Vesuvisus and then had to shelter for nearly 4 hours. Rained hard. Reached Basugo 11.30 - found 3 Belgians there off to Kilo. Very large open covered in shed - clean. Tame elephant passed us - took its photo.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
3 ¼ Hours - 10 Miles.
Wednesday, March 24th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Up at 2 o'clock, then a little rain - got off at 3 a.m. and had the wettest march of our trip. Rained more or less hard for 3 hours - bed & guns wet through. Took longer to reach Quatamballa owing to darkness & rain. Did about 6¼ hours instead of 5½. Reached Manbale - nice little new rest house. Got plenty of eggs - sent off mule by Kampala road.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
(50¾ hours 159 miles)
6 Hours - 17 Miles.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Letters from:
Mary Feb 17th. Lily - Feb.9th & 17th. Wills. H. Litchfield. Vi Hollom. Lady Mowbray - Jan.27th. Lady Glover. Phyllis - Jan.30th. Dana Estes. Mrs. Broadley. - Solvay.
Thursday, March 25th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Off at 5 o'clock - took over 3 hours to ferry and arrived at Entebbe 11 o'clock - just 3 months safari to an hour. Dined with Bertie Smith.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
4 ¼ Hours - 12 Miles.
Total time to date = 61 Hours.
Total miles to date =188 Miles.
Friday, March 26th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Passed ivory - lunch with Bertie Smith - dinner with Leakey.
Saturday, March 27th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Lunch and dinner with Bertie Smith. Tea, Mrs. Smith. Went over the Botanical Gardens.
Sunday, March 28th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Lunch Bertie Smith - Tea with H.E. the Governor - Dined with the Smiths.
Monday, March 29th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Went down early and passed customs with baggage. Left 11 packages with Bertie Smith. Started off at 1 o'clock in rickshaw. Reached Kampala at 4.30. Stayed with G. Keane and Treves at old Fort.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Packages left B.S.
Box.No.1 - Photo.
Box No.2 - Skins.
1 Gun Case. 1 Table. 1 Bag (saddle) 5 Wood Chop Boxes. 2 Tents. 1 Bag - 2 bushels.
Tuesday, March 30th, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Went to see Mr. Moses - Ug. Trading Co. Called on Mr. Sparkes. Awful hail, thunder and rain storm - wrote A.E.B. Smith & Nesto. Left at 5 o'clock by rickshaw for the steamer.
Wednesday, March 31st, 1909.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
Left Luzera at daylight - reached Ginga 1 o'clock. Captain Gosling & I went in boat across the Lake to photo Falls Ripon, also shot 1 Hippo & 2 crocodile.
Extract from Harrison’s diary © Scarborough Museums and Galleries
1 Hippo.
2 crocodiles.