Scarborough Museums and Galleries aims to work collaboratively with local schools to support them to both develop the curriculum and become culturally engaged. Our offer is not fixed and is constantly evolving in response to new thinking and the demands of growing up in an ever-changing world. Our work is also shaped by a focus on facilitating youth voice, providing opportunities for children and young people to develop speaking skills, oracy, to both find and express their views about their local culture and heritage with confidence and respect for others.
The objects and themes in From Local to Global are relevant to both the curriculum and topics chosen as a vehicle for learning at local schools. However, to use these objects it was imperative to develop specialist subject knowledge and a methodology that would enable us to use the collections sensitively within the context of the requirements of the curriculum and to accurately reflect contemporary research.
During the course of From Local to Global we embarked on devising learning programmes for Primary and Secondary schools to start conversations with teachers and children and young people around the learning opportunities presented to us by the Harrison Collection.
Primary Schools
After a mapping exercise of topic-based learning at local schools it was decided to create a series of workshops for Primary Schools to explore the collection through an eco-lens, encouraging pupils to think about wider national and global issues and topics. A series of four workshops were devised at different locations, including the Rotunda Museum, Scarborough Library, Raincliffe Woods and at each participating school, Hertford Vale and Cayton Primary School. The workshops included sessions led by artists, Vivify, using art to create holistic learning experiences and as a vehicle to support students to engage sensitively with challenging material. Further information about the aims and content of the workshops can be found here.
Some of the students completed Arts Award Discover with support from IVE and a bespoke Logbook designed to record their learning journey. You can take a look at the Logbook here.
Secondary Schools
Arts and Heritage Consultant and former educator, Sam Allen was appointed to develop resources for Secondary Schools in collaboration with local teachers. Sam is a passionate advocate of anti-racism and social justice in the arts and heritage sectors. Following an extensive period of research and consultation a suite of resources have been created for Key Stage 3 and 5. These resources provide CPD information for teachers and a sequence of teaching activities on the themes of decolonisation and anti-racism alongside guidance to support students in the development of research skills. Teachers can also ‘pick and mix’ different elements, depending on the needs of individual schools and students. Curriculum links include History, Geography, Art and PHSE and throughout there is a focus on student wellbeing.
The resources are currently being used by Scalby Secondary School to support their history curriculum at KS3 and have been developed in consultation with teachers from Scarborough Sixth Form, Hornsea School and Language College and Ashish Kundi, founder of Teacher Consciousness.

We would like to thank all students and staff who have participated for their commitment, enthusiasm and dedication throughout.
Would you like to find out more?
Are you a teacher and would like to use our collections and resources to support you and your students? Perhaps you feel inspired to visit our venues but don’t know where to begin? Please email learning@scarboroughmuseumsandgalleries.com or call 01723 384500 and have a chat with our Learning Team to see how we can help you.